Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Grading 6th grade papers

I was grading today. Here are some of my favorite excerpts from persuasive essays:

"Some kids I know they sometimes sneak there food from lunch to there next class and when they are done the just leave there rapers on the floor, if they don't get caught before there done with it"
"Another reason people in china should not eat dog's is that they are cute. And when  you just look at their face and eyes just melts my heart and that is called emotion."
"It would be better if you eat a deer because it has more vitamins and proteins than a dog."

Oh, man... the ideas and thoughts of 6th graders... hahaha.


Friday, March 4, 2011


So five weeks down. One to go. Yay and Nay.

But I am kinda worried/concerned because I have only been observed TWICE! WTF?! Um, what happened to six? Furthermore, I have not done a CSTAPE or anything.

I am very frustrated. I do not like how little CU adheres to their own policies and "theories". It seems very hypocritical to me (i.e. We are expected to jump through every hoop they set up and fulfill all these pointless criterion; however, they A) do not practice what the preach B) they do not provide what they say they do/will (placements?!?) and C) the supervising teachers do not meet their own "requirements".)

Am I alone with how I am feeling? Maybe being overly dramatic? I don't know. I just wish I could go back in time and choose a different MAT program. ---No point in thinking that though because it is what it is. Also, I wouldn't have met all you cool people, which would be an atrocity!

Okay. Sorry to vent. Maybe I should save this for Sunday! Anywho, my student teaching is going well and I love my students.....for the most part ;) I am excited for what's to come but I definitely will NOT be at graduation. I am done with Concordia.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm the Teacher

Yay!  It was my first day teaching both AP Psychology classes for the entire class period.  It was exciting, but I imagined it to go a little differently.  Jon left me Powerpoint Presentations to instruct the class with, but I feel like I'm not using them effectively or it's just not my style.  I think it's a good place to start, but I think I'll be using more activities during my work sample to liven things up a bit. 

First period (or as I affectionately refer to them as my "sleepy seniors") just sort of stared at me through the entire presentation.  A few of them interacted when I asked questions, but they mostly just looked at me like, "Come on student teacher...get it together..."  And, I'll admit, I was nervous and it probably showed.  But, I was picturing a bit more participation and excitement from them.  I was a little disappointed  with their demeanor.  I'm hoping that we are just still learning each other and that things will get better.

Fifth period was much better.  They were patient (even helping me with technology!) and picked up on cues for questions/comments.  I think they too were waiting to see exactly how I would be as a teacher, but they were a bit more willing to give me a chance.

I'm hoping that these two groups of students will be more receptive to the activities I have planned for them in the coming days.  It's strange because it just sort of feels like I'm taking over another classroom.  These kids don't feel like mine.  I guess this is what people are referring to when they say, "Don't judge the teaching profession on your student teaching experience."  In my opinion, it stems from the fact that we (Concordia MATE's) arrive in the middle of the year.  It would be different if we started at the beginning of the year with the kids.  However, I'm grateful to have a placement and some great kids to work with :)


PS - Here's a look at my practicum classroom

Thursday, February 10, 2011


As I was walking out to my car today, a mother of a student rolled down her car window and said "my child just told me "she is soooo nice!" It was such a wonderful thing to hear, and it makes me actually feel like I am making a difference. Even if it does just mean that the students (or just one student) like me. 

As a part of my practicum experience, I am being introduced to the AVID program. I am helping out as a tutor during the tutorial days and as a co-instructor on the other days. What we started to realize just recently (especially today), is that every AVID kid is struggling (badly!) in their math class. So, here's the thing about the math class:
1. The students take notes in a math notebook. BUT they can not take the math notebook out of class, which means that they have NO notes to look at when they are trying to do their homework later. 
2. They do not have math textbooks.
3. The teacher teaches really fast and does not really slow down or go back to help struggling students.
4. There is a student teacher in the class
5. The cooperating teacher has been sick all this week, and they have had the WORST substitute ever. So, the student teacher is teaching all on their own with little to no help from the substitute. 
6. The student teacher apparently plans well, but is SO FOCUSED on teaching everything in their plan that the students do not understand, and he does not slow down or go back to something they need help with. 
7. GOOD students are acting out and getting kicked out of class because of the not-understanding. 

Can I just say PROBLEM??!

So, I told a bunch of the kids that I would stay after school with them and try to help them understand it because I have always been good at middle school and high school math. So me, a language arts teacher, is going to attempt to "tutor" 7th grade students in math because they aren't getting help anywhere else. It breaks my heart, because these are all really good kids, and they are all pretty smart, and they could DO this if they had just a little more support. 

Megan R

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Opposite Gender Day

Copied from my personal blog: Teaching Teachers

Oh, Spirit Week, how I adore thee.  Monday was Twin Day and not too many outrageously amazing risks were taken with spirit attire.  But, today was great!  Most of the seniors in AP Psychology were dressed to the nines for Opposite Gender Day.  Now, I realize that this topic could get messy and could even be offensive.  But, let's not dwell in the land of PC today.  Let's just let the kids have their fun.

Also, enjoy these photos of my FANTASTIC students.

In other news, I'm scheduled to start my full time student teaching March 13.  However, since I have a few free periods with Jon's class, Steve Musaeus offered to let me start teaching lessons early!  For next week, I'm planning a lesson to inform his Freshman class about college.  I'm thinking about framing it around what they are going to need to get done during high school.  College is still far away for the fourteen year-old mind :)

Spirit week continues tomorrow with Pajama Day, followed by School Spirit Day on Friday :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Famous "Jazz Beat" Was A Success!

Today was a fantastic day! I met my supervising teacher and taught my first two periods--YAY!
 I wrote the students a letter to introduce myself so I will no longer be "the random lady that comes to class" ;) I also had them write me a letter about themselves (as a student, outside of school, etc.) Then we did some whole group work, pair-share, and yes, group work! I told them I was known for a super cheesy way to divide kids into groups and asked for a beat. They laughed as they joined in with their snapping fingers and "hi-hat" effects. You all would have been proud! The rest of the period was filled with great conversation and some more written work. I am getting to know all their names and developing relationships with several students.

I am truly LOVING  this experience and am SO excited for the weeks to come. I think I am pretty much teaching, independently for the most part, for the rest of the experience which is A-O-K in my book! Tomorrow, I am attending the staff professional development meeting in the a.m. which should be a valuable experience.

I certainly look forward to hearing more from you all as I am sure you are all having tremendously valuable experiences. Please share! Miss you guys. Lets try to get together in the (near) future if we can break away from work samples and lesson plans!

Keep in touch and good luck!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Romanian interference....


How is everybody doing???? Kyle, this is a great idea!!!!!!!!!!
Well, my practicum is going well! I am working with a great teacher and I sure feel like I am learning a lot! Also, I did not think Health would be so much fun to teach!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kyle, my teacher is also teaching Social Studies. I now understand how wonderful is to teach in this area....he is teaching Ancient Egypt now! Kids love it!
Everybody, have a great weekend and I will try to get on this thing more often....I think I shall save it on my favorites!