Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome to my First Day!


Today I went back to Middle School. And the strange thing, is that there were a lot of similarities to my own Middle School. Not only is the layout of the building very similar, but the types of kids in the classroom are remarkably the same as well. Throughout the day, I found myself comparing many of the students to kids that I went to school with in Corvallis. 

I was so nervous when I pulled into the parking lot. I thought I was going to vomit. But from the very moment I met with my cooperating teacher, I felt very at ease. She is the nicest lady and SO down to earth! I had so much fun today, and the school day zipped by!!

The kids were great, too! My cooperating teacher has 2 reading groups, a writing class, an AVID class, and then goes into other classrooms to help with reading comprehension. There is a lot of running around, but that probably makes the day go by faster, right? I will probably be doing my work sample on writing an essay. It's my choice which kind of essay (except for a personal narrative because they are doing that in other classes right now and will be sick of it). I wish I would have done more practice in my MAT classes for teaching writing, but I feel confident I will come up with something great. 

I can't wait to go back tomorrow!! 

Megan Russell

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